7 Things to Do Once You've Met Your Health Insurance Deductible
Published: November 10, 2021l
So you’ve met your deductible, or just about. Consider getting these things checked off your self-care list before January, when your deductible resets to 0.
Confused about deductibles? A deductible is simply the amount of money you owe for health services before your insurance coverage starts to “kick in.” Deductibles vary greatly, depending on your carrier and your plan. You can always call your provider if you’re not sure where you stand with meeting your deductible. It’s especially helpful to track your deductible if you’re part of a high deductible health insurance plan.
What to do when you've met your health insurance deductable:
1. Schedule your annual physical.
Call your primary care physician (PCP) and ask if they have appointment availability before December 31. Remember, annual physicals are necessary to help you keep your health in check.
2. See a specialist.
Maybe your PCP referred you to a specialist, but you’ve been procrastinating because you weren’t sure of the out-of-pocket cost. Now is the time to call up that cardiologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, surgeon or whoever the doctor ordered. It might be tough to get an appointment with someone new before January, but it’s worth a shot for your health and your finances.
3. Refill any prescriptions now.
Take inventory—is the bottle running low or completely empty? Ask your doctor for a refill. Better yet, get a 90-day supply if your insurance will allow. (FYI, if you have any unwanted or expired medications, don’t just throw them in the garbage. You can ask your pharmacy or police station how to safely dispose of them. See also: the FDA’s guidance on this.)
4. Schedule a colonoscopy if you’re eligible.
If you’re 45 and at average risk of colon cancer, it’s time for your colonoscopy. Stamford Health makes scheduling a colonoscopy more convenient than ever.
5. Schedule a mammogram if you’re a woman 40 or older, or encourage the women in your life to do so.
There are many reasons why you should make annual mammograms part of your yearly routine. Staying on top of your breast health is important, so schedule your mammogram at 1 of 4 convenient locations through Stamford Health’s award-winning breast center.
6. Consider lab work or other diagnostic testing.
Is that lab slip hidden under a pile of papers? Get your bloodwork done! What about that esophagram prescription to get your acid reflux checked? Make a diagnostic testing or imaging appointment so you have one less thing to worry about.
7. Check to see if you’re eligible for other major cancer screenings.
Is that lab slip hidden under a pile of papers? Get your bloodwork done! What about that esophagram prescription to get your acid reflux checked? Make a diagnostic testing or imaging appointment so you have one less thing to worry about.
By taking action on the steps above, you will make the most of your health plan immediately and save money.
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