Things to Do in the Days Before Baby's Birth

Published: March 31, 2021

Cecile P. Windels, MD, The Healthy Child in Darien, CT

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The Healthy Child is small, intimate pediatric practice where the doctors give personal attention to every child.

Contact us at 203.655.6000.

Congratulations! We know that having a baby is one of the most joyful and rewarding experiences of your life. The staff at The Healthy Child is looking forward to joining you and your family on the journey from infancy through adolescence. Parents-to-be may need a guiding hand when it comes to their newborn’s health and wellness, and we are happy to be of service!

1-3 Months Before Baby's Arrival

We encourage new and/or expectant parents to schedule a complimentary prenatal “meet and greet" visit. This visit provides parents-to-be an opportunity to meet with and interview one of our providers and our staff. It’s also a chance to see our office, learn about our practice philosophy and how our office operates. To schedule a prenatal visit, call our office. For tips on how to find the right pediatrician, visit this page.

1-2 Months Before Baby's Arrival

It's time to install your baby’s car seat! You will not be able to leave the hospital with your newborn without a safely installed car seat. It sometimes takes some extra time and practice to properly install the safety seat. We find it is best to have this done ahead of time when you are well rested and not feeling pressured. For more information on car seat guidelines and safety please visit

2 Weeks to 1 Month Before Baby's Arrival

We suggest you register at the hospital, if you haven't already. When you register at the hospital, please let them know you have selected our group and your baby will be seen by one of our providers.

If for any reason, you did not register your child with us when you were admitted to the hospital, but would like your child to be seen by one our providers, just call our office and let us know you are in the hospital and that your baby was born.

Our pediatricians will visit your child each morning that you’re in the hospital, keep you posted on their progress and answer any questions you have. You will be discharged by your obstetrician, but your child will be discharged by our pediatrician before you can both leave the hospital.

When Your Baby is Born

Please call our office to schedule your child’s first appointment, which typically is 3 to 4 days after birth. Please download the new patient forms from this page and bring them with you to your first visit along with your insurance card.

When should you add your newborn baby to your insurance policy?

Most insurance policies require newborns to be added within 30 days of their date of birth or they cannot be added until open enrollment season. Please contact your employer’s Human Resources department or your insurance plan as soon as possible.

American Academy of Pediatrics Recommendations for Prenatal Visits

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends all parents-to-be visit a pediatrician during the third trimester of pregnancy as an important first step in establishing a trusted relationship and supportive medical home for their child.

Should I visit the pediatrician before my baby is born?

Besides answering any urgent questions parents have about bringing home a new baby, a prenatal visit can help anticipate under-recognized challenges such as postpartum depression. At the same time, it can introduce positive parenting strategies to help buffer the health effects of stress in a child’s life and the supportive role pediatricians can play.

“It’s a chance to talk about how to keep a baby safe and thriving physically, but also ways build strong parent-child bonds that promote resilience and help a child stay emotionally healthy,” said Michael Yogman, MD, FAAP, lead author of the report and chair of the AAP Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health.

While more than three-quarters of pediatricians offer a prenatal visit, surveys show only 5 percent to 39 percent of first-time parents attend one. Dr. Yogman said it’s concerning that less than 5 percent of urban poor pregnant women see a pediatrician during the prenatal period, even though they are at higher risk of problems during pregnancy that can affect the health of their child. Data suggests pregnant women in rural areas may have even more difficulty accessing a prenatal visit.

According to the AAP, a prenatal visit with the pediatrician is especially helpful for first-time parents and those who are facing a high high-risk pregnancy, experiencing complications, expecting more than one child, or in the process of adopting a child.

What happens at a prenatal pediatrician visit?

At a prenatal visit, a pediatrician can cover safety topics like car seats, what kind of bedding parents need for a crib or bassinet, and what immunizations family members need to protect the newborn. It’s an opportunity to talk about breastfeeding and donating cord blood. The clinical report – which updates a previous version published in 2009 – also includes recommendations on recognizing depression and other challenges that can harm child health.

The pediatric prenatal visit is a good time to talk about normal feelings of stress from a baby crying or other demands of caring for an infant, as well as setting clear plans to help cope with the stress before feeling overwhelmed, said Arthur Lavin, MD, FAAP, co-author of the report, and incoming chair of the AAP Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health. Parents are encouraged to bring other family members who are going to play important role in the baby’s life to the visit.

“This is the only routine child wellness visit recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics that doesn’t actually require a child in the room,” Dr. Lavin said. “It gives parents an opportunity to really focus on any questions and concerns they may have. They can talk with a pediatrician before the fatigue of new parenthood sets in and there’s an adorably distracting little human in their arms who may be crying, spitting up, or in immediate need of feeding or a diaper change.”

“At its heart and soul,” Dr. Lavin said, “this visit is about laying a foundation for a trusting, supportive relationship between the family and their pediatrician, who will work together to keep the child healthy for the next 18 or 20 years.”

About The Healthy Child of Darien, CT

At The Healthy Child, we treat your family with warmth and compassion.

We maintain separate sick and well waiting rooms to minimize the spread of germs. We are cognizant of potential transmission of illness and so we never have newborns wait in any waiting room.

The practice also offers a variety of support groups for their patients such as New Mom Groups, Asthma Support Groups and Food Allergy Groups.

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