Now That You're Fully Vaccinated

Published: May 07, 2021

Michael Parry, MD, Director, Department of Infectious Diseases

In February, we talked about what to do right after getting vaccinated against COVID-19. Although much of this information is still relevant months later, you’ll be glad to know the CDC recently changed a few guidelines when it comes to being around others and traveling.

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Now that you’re fully vaccinated, you can safely…

  • Spend time indoors with other fully vaccinated people without needing to wear a mask or socially distance. You may safely do this even if these people are not vaccinated, but have been careful about their exposure.
  • Travel domestically without needing to quarantine or get tested either before or after your trip. It is still wise, however, to keep an eye on COVID-19 cases both at home and at your destination.
  • Travel internationally without needing to quarantine after you return, although you should still get tested for COVID-19. Keep in mind, you still need a test to board your return flight and your country of destination may also have its own requirements. Be sure to do your research before your big trip.
  • Go outside without a mask, but always carry a mask just in case.
  • Be around others and come to work without needing to quarantine if you have had a significant exposure to a person with COVID-19. You may need to be tested.

Remember that no vaccine is 100% effective so there’s a remote possibility that you could still get infected with COVID-19, in which case your symptoms would most likely be much milder than if you had not been vaccinated. If you develop symptoms of COVID-19, please get tested promptly, isolate yourself and seek medical advice if the test is positive.

IF YOU HAVE NOT BEEN VACCINATED, NOW IS THE TIME! There is plenty of vaccine supply available in Connecticut. Getting any one of the three vaccines is much safer than risking COVID-19 infection, and all of them are very effective even against the variant strains that are currently circulating in the community.

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