You have connected to the Stamford Health public wireless Internet service. By logging on to this service you have agreed to be bound by the Terms of Use Agreement displayed below. For your protection you should read the following Terms of Use Agreement and Security Statement below. If you do not agree with the Terms of Use Agreement or Security Statement, disconnect now.

Terms of Use Agreement

1. Before using this Service
Please read all of the following terms and conditions of this Agreement before using the Stamford Hospital public wireless Internet service (the “Service”). The terms and conditions of this Agreement will govern the relationship between you (the “User”) and Stamford Hospital. Stamford Hospital may provide its Users with access to portions of the Internet through the Service. By using the Service or using any software (Software) provided, developed, licensed or owned by Stamford Health, a User agrees to be bound by this Agreement and to use the Service in compliance with this Agreement and other Stamford Health policies posted from time to time on the Stamford Health website located at

2. Monitoring Use
Stamford Health has no obligation to monitor the use of the Service, but Stamford Health may do so and it may disclose information regarding the use of the Service if, for any reason it believes, in its sole discretion, that it is reasonable for it to do so including, without limitation, in order for it to satisfy any legal requirements or requests, to operate the Service properly or to protect itself and its other users. Stamford Health, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to limit access to web pages based on content, bandwidth, domain, or any other parameters.

3. Indemnity
User assumes all risk and liability for all information actively or passively transmitted over the connection to the Internet. The User agrees to defend, release, indemnify and hold Stamford Health harmless from all liabilities, claims and expenses of any nature or kind including without limitation reasonable legal fees, arising from the use of the User account or the use of the Service by the User or arising from any breach of this Agreement by the User.
Disclaimers and Limitations of Liability by Stamford Health
THE USER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT THE SERVICE IS NOT GUARANTEED AND IS PROVIDED ON AN AS-IS BASIS. User assumes all risk associated with such use of the Service, waives and releases any claim against Stamford Health resulting from the use of the Service, and agrees to defend and indemnify Stamford Health from any and all claims or liability arising from the use of the Service. WITHOUT LIMITING THE GENERALITY OF THE FOREGOING THE USER FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT:

a. Stamford Health does not represent or warrant that the Service will be uninterrupted, error-free or free from viruses or other harmful components.
b. All conditions, representations and warranties, whether express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or title or non-infringement are disclaimed and expressly excluded from this Agreement, except to the extent such disclaimer is prohibited by law.
c. Stamford Health is not responsible for the content of the information and material available through the Internet. Stamford Health makes no representations or warranties and gives no guarantees as to the quality, suitability, truth, accuracy or completeness of any information or materials contained on the Internet. Any questions regarding any such information or materials should be directed to the providers of such information or materials.
d. Stamford Health will not be liable for any claims arising either directly or indirectly from the accessing, downloading, installation, use, reproduction of and or receipt or distribution of any information or material through any Service.
e. Stamford Health will not be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental or consequential damage (including loss of business, revenue, profits, use, data or other economic advantage) however such damage may arise, whether in tort as a result of breach of contract, even if Stamford Health has been previously advised of the possibility of such damage.
f. The User acknowledges the inherent risks to security, confidentiality and privacy of wireless communication and agrees that he, she or it is solely responsible for ensuring the security of his or her data and/or equipment used in connection with the Service and that he/she will not make any claim against Stamford Health in the event of lost data, inaccurate output, work delays or lost profits resulting from the use of the Service.

Acceptable Use
Stamford Health's dedication to patient service means that Stamford Health strives to maintain Service that provide Users with an enjoyable Internet experience free from interference by those who use the Service in an improper or unlawful manner. Accordingly, Stamford Health Acceptable Use Policy as described in this Section is incorporated in and forms part of this Agreement and all users of Service must comply with it. User’s use of the Service is governed by applicable local, provincial, national and international laws and regulations, including without limitation laws relating to copyright, trademark, obscenity, defamation, the right of privacy, false advertising and fraud.

Although Stamford Health does not exercise editorial control or review over the content of any web site, electronic mail transmission, newsgroup or other material created or accessible by using the Service, it may remove, block, filter or restrict by any other means any materials that in Stamford Health's sole discretion, may be illegal, may subject Stamford Health to liability, compromise the dignity of the human person, or which violate this Acceptable Use Policy. Stamford Health may cooperate with legal authorities and/or third parties in the investigation of any suspected or alleged crime or civil wrong.

The following is a list of activities that are violations of this Acceptable Use Policy. This list is intended to be illustrative, only. It is not exhaustive. There may be other activities that violate this Acceptable Use Policy. Without limitation, User will be in breach of this Acceptable Use Policy and this Agreement if he or she:

1. uses the Service to transmit any material (by uploading, posting, email or otherwise) that intentionally or unintentionally violates any applicable local, provincial, national or international law or any rules or regulations made thereunder including without limitation material that is threatening, abusive, tortuous, harassing, defamatory, libelous, obscene, invasive of another's privacy or hateful;
2. uses the Service to harm or attempt to harm children in any way;
3. uses the Service to make fraudulent offers to sell or buy products, items or Service or to advance any type of scam, financial or otherwise, such as pyramid schemes, Ponzi schemes, unregistered sales of securities, securities frauds and chain letters;
4. adds, removes or modifies identifying network, message or article header information or other identifiers in an effort to deceive or mislead others; attempts to impersonate any person by using forged headers or other identifying information provided, however, that the use of anonymous remailers or nicknames are not in themselves impersonation;
5. uses the Service to transmit material by (uploading, posting, email or otherwise) that the user does not have a right to make available to others whether under any law or any contractual or fiduciary relationships;
6. uses the Service to transmit any unsolicited commercial email or unsolicited bulk email (a.k.a. spam) or uses deliberately misleading headers in emails sent to multiple parties;
7. uses the Service to transmit any material by (uploading, posting, email or otherwise) that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment;
8. uses the Service to access or attempt to access the accounts of others, or to penetrate or attempt to penetrate security measures of Stamford Health or any other computer software, hardware, electronic communications system or telecommunications system, whether or not resulting in disruption of service or the corruption or loss of data;
9. disobeys any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of any networks connect to the Service;
10. uses the Service to collect or attempt to collect personal information about another person without that person knowledge or consent;
11. resells the Service without authorization to do so by Stamford Health; or
12. uses the Service for high volume data transfers including in particular but without limitation sustained high volume data transfers.

Be advised that Stamford Health may change, modify or add to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Service it provides and the fees it charges for the Service at any time with or without notification to User. 

Security Statement
Stamford Health provides the following Security Statement as a means to inform existing and potential users about the security limitations and features of our public wireless Internet services.

Stamford Health assumes no responsibility for, nor liability resulting from the use of this wireless network. Users should assume all communications made via this network are public, not inherently secure therefore, Stamford Health will not guarantee the privacy of your data and communications

It is the user's responsibility to provide the security measures best suited to their situation and their intended use of the Service.

This statement is not intended to cover all Internet related security issues or risks.

Stamford Health may update this Security Statement from time to time without notification.

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This website uses cookies to give you the very best experience. Your continued use of this site is considered permission by you to use cookies in this manner. Please review our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use for more information about the data we collect and the types of cookies we use. Please note, if you link off our website to a 3rd party site of any kind, that website has its own terms and conditions.