William J. Symons, MD

Vice Chair, Surgery, Medical Director, Hernia Surgery

Stamford Health Medical Group Surgery

1500 Post Rd
Ste 204
Darien, CT 06820

Main: 203.276.5959
Fax: 203.276.5969

Stamford Health Medical Group Surgery

29 Hospital Plz
Ste 603
Stamford, CT 06902

Main: 203.276.5959
Fax: 203.276.5969

About Me

After training at Washington University, Dr. Symons stayed on as an attending physician working in the Section of Acute and Critical Care Surgery. He was the co-director of the Washington University Hernia Center and focused on complex hernia repairs and abdominal wall reconstructions. In this role, Dr. Symons tackled some of the most challenging abdominal wall surgeries in the Midwest.

After living in the Midwest for 14 years with his wife and three children, he returned to Connecticut, where he grew up, to be closer to family and to be Medical Director of Hernia Surgery for the Stamford Health Medical Group. His areas of clinical expertise include advanced laparoscopic surgery, robotic surgery, emergency general surgery, trauma surgery, enterocutaneous fistula takedown, care for the critically ill surgical patient and burn and wound management.

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Surgery (General Surgery)
Surgical Critical Care


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Education & Training

Medical School

University of Chicago


Washington University In St. Louis


Washington University in St. Louis

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Published Work

Tellor B, Skrupky LP, Symons W, High E, Micek ST, Mazuski JE. Inadequate Source Control and Inappropriate Antibiotics are Key Determinants of Mortality in Patients with Intra-Abdominal Sepsis Associated Bacteremia. Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2015 Aug 10. [Epub ahead of print]

Symons WJ, Olsen MA, Nickel KB, Wallace AE, Mines D, Fraser VJ, Warren DK. Risk Factors for Surgical Site Infection after Hernia Repair. (Submitted for Review)

Surg Infect (Larchmt). 2016 Oct 18. Synthetic versus Biologic Mesh in Single-Stage Repair of Complex Abdominal Wall Defects in a Contaminated Field. Chamieh J, Tan WH, Ramirez R, Nohra E, Apakama C, Symons W

Symons W, Sharff K, Draganich L, Piotrowski G, Ennen B, Manning D. “Impaired Physical Function, Decreased Proprioception and Abnormal Joint Mechanics in Knee Osteoarthritis Increase the Propensity to Trip on an Obstacle.” Presented at Mid-America Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, April 2006.

Symons W, Klieninger A. The Acute Abdomen. In Porembka M, Klingensmith ME (eds.), The Washington University Manual of Surgery, 6th Edition. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer 2012.

Symons W, Husain K, Keune J, Jarman S, Sato B, Yan Y, Bochicchio G, Schuerer D, Mazuski J. Reduction of infectious complications following trauma laparotomy through use of perioperative antibiotic protocol. Surg. Infect. 2014; 15[Suppl 1]: S16-S17.

Board Certifications

American Board of Surgery - Surgery (General Surgery)
American Board of Surgery - Surgical Critical Care


Member, American Medical Association

Member, American College of Surgeons

Faculty Member, Advanced Trauma and Life Support

Member, Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma

Member, American Association for the Surgery of Trauma

Member, Surgical Infection Society

Member, American Hernia Society

Member, Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons

If You Are in Need of Emergency Care, Call 911.

The majority of the physicians on the Stamford Hospital Medical Staff are not employees or agents of the Hospital. They are independent practitioners who have been granted the privilege of using the Hospital's facilities for the care and treatment of their patients. This includes, but is not limited to, emergency department physicians, anesthesiologists, radiologists, surgeons, cardiologists, obstetricians, pathologists and other consultants who may treat patients.

Insurance listings are subject to change at any time. Please verify insurance plan acceptance when scheduling an appointment with a healthcare provider.

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