Kirsten B. Hohmann, MD

Associate Program Director, Internal Medicine Residency Program, Medical Director of Ambulatory Practice, Optimus Healthcare, Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine, Stamford Hospital/Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, and

Optimus Health Care Internal Medicine

1351 Washington Blvd
3rd Fl
Stamford, CT 06902

Main: 203.621.3700
Fax: 203.621.3720

Stamford Health Medical Group Primary Care

36 Grove St
1st Fl
New Canaan, CT 06840

Main: 203.966.6305
Fax: 203.966.4618

About Me

Dr. Hohmann received a Health Professions Scholarship through the military and spent seven years with the army after completing medical school at Brown University. She subsequently spent several years in private practice in Charlotte, NC before moving with her husband to Denver, CO. It was in Denver where Dr. Hohmann started her career in academic medicine, serving as a program director for one of the University of Colorado’s Internal Medicine Residency Programs at Presbyterian/St. Luke’s Medical Center. A career move for her husband then brought Dr. Hohmann to Seattle, WA where she was part of the teaching faculty at Virginia Mason Medical Center and worked at an independent practice.

For the past 9 years Dr. Hohmann has served as the Associate Program Director/Program Director for the Internal Medicine Residency Program at Stamford Hospital and has been part of the teaching faculty for Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.

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Internal Medicine

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special interests

Medical Education


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Education & Training

Medical School

Warren Alpert Medical School at Brown University


Walter Reed Army Medical Center

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Published Work

Robinson, AR, Hohmann K et al. Physician and Public Opinions on Quality of Health Care and the Problem of Medical Errors. Archives of Internal Medicine 2002 Oct 28; 162: 2186-2190.

Robinson, AR, Hohmann, K, Topp,D, Anderson, RJ. Physician and Public Views on Direct-to-Consumer Pharmaceutical Advertising. Archives of Internal Medicine 2004 Feb 23; 164: 427-32.

Board Certifications

American Board of Internal Medicine - Internal Medicine


American College of Physicians
Association for Program Directors in Internal Medicine
Society of General Internal Medicine

If You Are in Need of Emergency Care, Call 911.

The majority of the physicians on the Stamford Hospital Medical Staff are not employees or agents of the Hospital. They are independent practitioners who have been granted the privilege of using the Hospital's facilities for the care and treatment of their patients. This includes, but is not limited to, emergency department physicians, anesthesiologists, radiologists, surgeons, cardiologists, obstetricians, pathologists and other consultants who may treat patients.

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