Asha Shah, MD

Stamford Health Medical Group Infectious Disease

29 Hospital Plz
Ste 605
Stamford, CT 06902

Main: 203.353.1427
Fax: 203.276.7775

About Me

Dr. Shah is a board-certified infectious diseases specialist and has been with Stamford Health and the Stamford Health Medical Group since 2012. She did her internal medicine training at the University of Pennsylvania followed by an infectious diseases fellowship at Columbia University Medical Center. She received her Master of Epidemiology at Columbia University Mailman School of Health.  

Dr. Shah is currently the director of infectious diseases and hospital epidemiologist at Stamford Health. She has been a member of the Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society since 2007 and received the Rookie of the Year Award from the Stamford Hospital Department of Internal Medicine during her first year as an attending physician. She was awarded the President’s Award for Young Professional Achievement in Medicine from the GOPIO Organization in 2019. She also received the Fairfield County Medical Association Most Valuable Physician Award at the end of 2020.   

She is an active member on numerous committees at Stamford Health as well as at the state level. She was also nominated and accepted as a member of Chief, a national women’s leadership group. She also recently received the Magida Award through the Fairfield County Medical Association as well as the Women Who Inspire Award through the Greenwich YWCA.  


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Infectious Disease
Internal Medicine


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Education & Training

Medical School

Wake Forest University School of Medicine


Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania


Columbia University Medical Center

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Published Work

  • Peer-Reviewed Research Publication 

    Parry, M., Sestovic, M., Renz, C., Pangan, A., Grant, B., & Shah, A. (2022). Environmental cleaning and disinfection: Sustaining changed practice and improving quality in the community hospital. Antimicrobial Stewardship and Healthcare Epidemiology,2(1), E113. doi:10.1017/ash.2022.257 


    Parry Michael F, Shah Asha K, Sestovic Merima, Salter Selma. “Precipitous Fall in Common Respiratory Viral Infections During COVID-19,” Open Forum Infectious Diseases October 23, 2020.  


    Virji-Babul Naznin, Kerns Kimberly, Zhou Eric, Kapur Asha, Kerns Kimberly, Shiffrar Maggie, “Perceptual-motor deficits in children with Down Syndrome: Implications for intervention”, In Down Syndrome Research and Practice 2006, 10(2): 74-82. 


  • Invited Poster Presentations 

    Journey to Sustainability to Reduce Abdominal Hysterectomy Surgical Site Infections. Abegail Pangan RN, MSN, CIC, FAPIC, Mary Kobel-Lamonte, RN, MPH, MSN, CNOR, Donna Bowman DNP, FNP-C, RNC-OB, ONQS-C, EFM-C, Carol Fucigna, MD, Sarah Kim MD, Setul Pardanani MD, Asha Shah MD MS, Sophie Labrecque, MSc, RN, CIC. CIDS Conference, Waterbury, CT 2023. 


    A simple intervention to reduce inappropriate antibiotic prescribing. Brenda Zolla, MT(ASCP), CIC, Asha Shah, MD, MS, and Michael Parry, MD. CIDS Conference, Waterbury, CT 2023. 


    Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection: Sustaining Changed Practice and Improving Quality in the 

    Community Hospital. Merima Sestovic RN, CIC, Christopher Renz CHESP, Nichol Joseph, Abegail Pangan RN, CIC, Asha K. Shah MD MS, Michael Parry MD. CIDS Conference, Waterbury, CT, 2022. 


    Pulmonary Aspergillosis Leading to Disseminated Disease in an Immunocompetent Patient. Lovin Pappy, MD, Asha K. Shah MD, MS, Michael Bernstein MD. CHEST Conference, New Orleans, LA, 2019.  


    Reduction of Hospital-Onset Clostridioides Difficile Infection at Stamford Hospital. Praveen K. Reddy, MD, MPH; Asha K. Shah, MD, MS; Rohit Bhalla, MD, MPH; and Michael Parry, MD. Department of Medicine Research Day, Faculty Poster Winner. Stamford Hospital, Stamford, CT, May 2019.  


    Symptomatic Bradycardia from Ehrlichiosis: An unusual complication. Madhuri Tirumandas, MD, Daniel Croxford, MD, Ryan Bartscherer, MD, Asha Shah, MD, MS,, Ilnaz Salehi, MD. Department of Medicine Research Day, Stamford Hospital, Stamford, CT, May 2018 


    Asha Kapur, Eric C. Tang, Hong-Van Tieu, Beryl A. Koblin, Tanya M. Ellman, and Magdalena E. Sobieszczyk. “Knowledge, attitudes, and willingness of New York City providers to prescribe systemic antiretroviral chemoprophylaxis for HIV prevention,” Poster Exhibition at XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012), Washington, DC, July 2012. 


    Kapur Asha, Kapur Ajay, Virji-Babul Naznin, Tzanetakis George, Driessen Peter, “Gesture-Based Affective Computing on Motion Capture Data”, Proceedings of International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, Beijing, China, October 2005.  


  • Thesis 

    The Impact of Procalcitonin Measurements on the Duration of Antibiotic Therapy, Mailman School of Public Health, Masters in Epidemiology, May 2016 

    Board Certifications

    American Board of Internal Medicine - Infectious Disease

  • If You Are in Need of Emergency Care, Call 911.

    The majority of the physicians on the Stamford Hospital Medical Staff are not employees or agents of the Hospital. They are independent practitioners who have been granted the privilege of using the Hospital's facilities for the care and treatment of their patients. This includes, but is not limited to, emergency department physicians, anesthesiologists, radiologists, surgeons, cardiologists, obstetricians, pathologists and other consultants who may treat patients.

    Insurance listings are subject to change at any time. Please verify insurance plan acceptance when scheduling an appointment with a healthcare provider.

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