BLOC: Prospective Multi-Center Office Based Bi-Lateral Tubal Occlusion Trial for Female Permanent Contraception. (Protocol # CP-100-008)
LOC: Prospective Multi-Center Office Based Bi-Lateral Tubal Occlusion Trial for Female Permanent Contraception.
(Protocol # CP-100-008)
Inclusion Criteria:
- Female, 21 - 45 years of age desiring permanent birth control
- Sexually active with male partner
- Regular menstrual cycle for last 3 months or on hormonal contraceptives
Exclusion Criteria:
- Uncertainty about the desire to end fertility
- Known or suspected pregnancy
- Prior tubal surgery, including sterilization attempt
- Prior endometrial ablation
- Presence, suspicion, or previous history of gynecologic malignancy
- Abnormal uterine bleeding requiring evaluation or treatment
- Scheduled to undergo concomitant intrauterine procedures at the time of procedure(s)
- Allergy to shellfish, betadine or iodinated contrast