Stamford Health Offers Life-Saving Technology For Patients Who Suffer Massive Strokes

Published: March 07, 2019

STAMFORD, CT/March 7, 2019 – When a patient suffers from stroke symptoms, physicians have no time to waste when it comes to determining whether a patient is eligible for a thrombectomy. A thrombectomy is a life-saving procedure that removes blood clots from the brain that are the cause of an ischemic stroke. The minimally-invasive procedure has existed in the U.S. for about a decade. However, Stamford Health the first in lower Fairfield County to offer the latest technology, which immediately provides physicians with the information they need to determine if a patient is a candidate for thrombectomy. The faster a patient is diagnosed and treated, the more likely they will return to normal.

“We’ve incorporated artificial intelligence (AI) software that allows us to determine which patients will benefit from a thrombectomy,” said Dr. Todd Miller, Chief of NeuroInterventional Services at Stamford Health. “This technology involves a CT perfusion, or scan of the brain, that provides a detailed picture of blood flow to the brain and can be analyzed instantaneously. Patients whose scans show a large vessel blockage and robust helping vessels (or collaterals) are most likely to benefit from a thrombectomy. We are proud to offer this technology, as it helps us provide successful outcomes and the highest quality care for our patients who suffer from an ischemic stroke.”

The CT data obtained in the emergency department is thousands of images and provides so much data that it used to take time to interpret accurately. Now, with the help of AI, clinicians at Stamford Health are presented with an analysis of the scan in less than a minute, which is a huge advancement.

Often used in conjunction with drug therapy, a thrombectomy can help improve outcomes and health of patients who experience a major stroke. Stroke is the second-leading cause of death among adults in the world, and about 87 percent of strokes are ischemic. A stroke occurs when blood flow to the brain is interrupted and the ability to recover depends on how quickly a patient receives medical attention. That’s why it’s important to know the signs of a stroke, which the American Heart Association recognizes as FAST or: Face drooping, Arm weakness, Slurred speech, Time to call 911.

Visit our stroke page for more information about Stamford Health’s interventional thrombectomy.

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