Stamford Hospital Receives Grant from CT DPH

Published: November 01, 2013

Grant Will Help Fund Breast & Other Cancer Screenings in Low Income Communities

The Connecticut Department of Public Health (DPH) has awarded Stamford Hospital’s Mobile Wellness Center and Women’s Breast Center a five-year grant of $1,197,000 to support the Connecticut Integrated Health Screening Program (CIHSP) in Stamford.

The CIHSP will deliver integrated early detection health screening services to the uninsured and underinsured, including breast and cervical cancer screening for women rarely or never screened, and colorectal cancer screening for women and men. Early detection allows for the initiation of treatment at earlier stages, when survival rates are significantly higher. As such, the goal of the program is to reduce the number of deaths associated with breast, cervical and colorectal cancer through early detection screening, re-screening services and education activities.

The program is a joint effort of the Stamford Hospital Mobile Wellness Center, Women’s Breast Center, Bennett Cancer Center, Planned Parenthood of Southern New England and the Vita Health & Wellness District, part of the partnership of Stamford Hospital and Charter Oak Communities (formerly the Stamford Housing Authority).

As part of the grant, a Community Advisory Council has been created with a goal to build on the Hospital’s existing community-wide partnerships that will enhance the coordinated approach required to provide and sustain services to CIHSP participants and to support CIHSP participants and their families in adopting and sustaining healthy lifestyles in their communities.

For the past four years, Stamford Hospital has been a provider in the Connecticut DPH and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection program. The Hospital has demonstrated its commitment to the community by enrolling over 2,000 women in the program and consistently meeting the CDC quality assurance goals.

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